The Problem
Manure Piles Near Maryland Waterways
Farm manure contaminates Maryland rivers and the Chesapeake Bay and threatens public health. Despite the indisputable evidence, Maryland leaders have yet to take action due to pressure from the powerful farm lobby.
Pollution from manure leads to algae blooms that kill crabs, oysters and other aquatic life; it also causes toxic algae like in Toledo, Ohio. Here in Maryland, toxic algae is on the rise.
Numerous studies show that phosphorus pollution from manure is getting worse, not better, in the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland rivers. If this trend continues, we will jeopardize the progress we’ve made to reduce pollution over the past several decades.
Harmful Algae Bloom in Maryland
The Solution
Experts say a new rule to better manage manure is one of the biggest opportunities to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and local waters in more than 30 years. The proposed rule, called the Phosphorus Management Tool, is a more accurate method to ensure phosphorus pollution from manure does not contaminate local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay.
We Need Your Support!
The new phosphorus rule will make our rivers safer and cleaner for Maryland families by reducing the threat of algae blooms and other public health concerns associated with phosphorus pollution. Maryland would also achieve 97 percent of its required phosphorus pollution reductions by properly implementing the PMT.
It is time for the agriculture industry to account for the proper management of manure. Act now; sign our petition to tell Governor Hogan to enact the new manure rule to protect public health and Maryland waters!